Ps3 Tales Of Graces F Dlc Download

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With the theme “to know the Strength to Protect,” the 12th installment of the Tales studio was recently ported to the PS3 with the new name Tales of Graces f. Many changes were made to the original Wii version, but the part that remains unchanged was the main storyline.

Yeah they're free DLC it's the 5th icon (the one with Asbel and the note), there are 6 DLC skits so far. Now Playing: Tales of Graces F (PS3), Super Robot Taisen J (GBA) User Info: DarkMassacre. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon.

Graces has a world that is similar to its antecedents, where people relies in some mystic energy source called Arles and Cryas to support the three competing kingdoms: Windol, Strata, and Fendel, which resembles the German Empire, USA, and USSR respectively, intentionally or not.

At an age of 11, the son of a Windolic feudal lord Asbel Lhant met and vowed to protect an amnestic girl he named Sophie. He broke the vow when Sophie died protecting him and two other children, which gave him the drive to become a knight to gain the strength to protect others.

The main story begins 7 years later, where he encounters a girl identical to Sophie in terms of appearance after a catastrophic event in his homeland.

One of the DLCs available for the game will be a Sony Toro costume for the character Pascal.Set for a December 2, 2010 release in Japan. No news on a US rele. PlayStation Network (PS3) PS3N - Tales of Graces f 300,000 Gald (1) PS3N - Tales of Graces f 300,000 Gald (2) PS3N - Tales of Graces f 300,000 Gald (3).

Lets take a look at the HOTs and NOTs of Tales of Graces f.


Better Storyline
The good thing about the story comes in the PS3 exclusive after-story, which occurs six months after the main plot. It focuses on how the characters choose to live their lives after the experiences they’ve had. This storyline is better written than the main plot and makes players feel hopeful and optimistic. This arc is also when Richard, an early main character and one of the major bosses in the main story, rejoins the party, bringing the number of playable characters up to seven.

Ps3 Tales Of Graces F Dlc Download

Improved Battle System
Aside from the story, Graces features a new battle system called the Style-Shift Linear Motion Battle System (SS-LMBS). Players can switch the characters’ fighting styles between the predetermined A-style and changeable B-style. (For instance, Asbel’s brother Hubert uses melee dual wield swords in his A-style and ranged dual wield guns in his B-style.) While the anteceding Tales battle system only attaches four moves to command keys, SS-LMBS providing 13 extra preset skills on top of the four moves and makes battles more dynamic. Implementing also the CC system from Destiny and the free-run system from Abyss, Graces makes battling monsters a lot more fun and exhilarating than the old games which gets old quick. The only flaw in battle encounters occurs when the multiplayer mode is used. Although the multiplayer mode decreases linearity in battles even further, it zooms out the battle screen to let everyone see their respective characters, which makes it difficult to pay attention to the details on the battlefield.

Combine System
Two more new systems in Graces are Combine System which combines two items into a superior one, and Energy Gauge, which can be used to clone raw materials, consume items automatically in battles, etc. Combine System itself is a good system as it gives challenges in completing the collector’s book, but at the same time, the list of items to combine gets ungodly long when it approaches end game, and finding the items you need become annoying and troublesome. On the other hand, while the Energy Gauge can aid the players in many ways, especially by using the grimoires, raising its power takes an excessive amount of effort, which defeats its purpose when its powers are not raised enough to use the end game abilities.

Improved Presentation, Cast & Soundtrack
To present all these features in the ported version, Graces f re-renders all graphics and scenarios into HD resolution, which brings a striking clean view to the table. As a whole, the designs of the game have a beautiful, soothing style, and can be characterized as aesthetic. The hi-ougis’ scenes are especially well designed and alluring. However, there are some minor flaws in the 3D designs. For instance, characters appear to be quickly shaking up and down as they walk across surfaces with dented patterns.

Another ground of presentation is the soundtrack, in which its quality varies greatly. On one hand, the BGM in some dungeons are so dull and simple they could barely even be called music. However, BGM from other dungeons and the scenario soundtracks intrigue players in the atmosphere and brings them into the environment. The game’s theme song sang by BoA, and its orchestrated version used in the credit roll is perhaps the best pieces in the history of Tales of series.

The heavy cast of Graces also plays a big role in making this game what it is. Kana Hanazawa’s performance is particularly outstanding and she has to imitate the voice and tone of all 6 other characters as Sophie’s B-skill set is mimicking others’. The voice actors literally gave life to the game with their outstanding performance.


Bad Plot Themes
The plot yells “mainstream” at the first glance, as it is an amalgamation of the usual anime/manga themes such as friendship, the ties between people, and the meaning of life. While these themes are overused in the past, it does stimulate excitement when these old cliché are all brought back to the table after a long time, even though it makes the story predictable.

The biggest flaw of the plot is the hard selling of the theme of “protect.” While The RPG to Know the Strength to Protect is an attractive characteristic genre name, the game fails to provide the reason to protect. Without giving excessive spoilers, people don’t just vow to protect someone they just met, however vulnerable she is. For many times, it begs the question as to whether the protagonist is just philanthropic or being hypocritical. This makes him too idealistic and loses his humanity. These hard selling appear multiple times in the game which makes the story somewhat irrational and unrealistic.

Map Exploration/Camera Angles
On top of the battle system, another noteworthy point in terms of gameplay is the map exploration. Instead of the resembling a traditional world map, the fields in Graces connects locales with detailed location geometry like Hearts did. While that makes the worldview more realistic and beautiful, there are certain things that Graces did not pertain from Hearts’s exploration system: The fact that players can no longer adjust camera angles and fly across the field in their flying vehicle end game is rather disappointing and irritable.

Not Enough Non-DLC Wardrobe
As a PS3 Tales game, Graces comes with many DLCs. The quality of the DLCs is high, including the .hack// costume sets, Code Geass costume sets (where Asbel is dressed as Kururugi Suzaku, when they are both voiced by Takahiro Sakurai, ha), and the like. However, it seems that the game is putting too much focus on DLC in terms of the fun contents like costumes and attachments.

[email protected] costumes

The Costumes and attachments have always been big parts of Tales games. Dressing up the characters makes the game more interesting and fun to play with. However, comparing to Vesperia, the only other PS3 Tales game until the release of Xillia next year, the number of costumes that can be obtained in-game is very limited. The “free” wardrobe is simply not big enough for players to fully enjoy interactions with their characters. Thus it becomes another huge disappointment.

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Tales of Graces f is in fact a good Tales game. For the most part it is a good port to the PS3, however, it is still inferior to the port of Vesperia, which features Patty Fleur, an entirely new character who significantly relates to the Tales series, and a modified storyline built just for her. The new character who appears in the after-story, while relates to the earlier parts of the story greatly, is nowhere close to the status of Patty Fleur. As a whole, Graces f is a good game with an okay story. Although it has excellent presentations, the minor flaws overwhelm the good characteristics. It would be nice for Bandai Namco to release a patch to fix these flaws, but seeing their financial status, it is highly unlikely to happen.

[Editor’s Note: Tales of Graces f was reviewed using the Japanese version for the PlayStation 3]

Writen by Ken Takanashi & Edited by Namoxsoul

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Ps3 Tales Of Graces F Dlc Download Pc

Tales of Graces f (Import) Review, 10.0 out of 10 based on 15 ratings


Tales of Graces f is an enhanced PlayStation 3 port of the Wii action-JRPG Tales of Graces. The 'f' stands for 'future'. It was developed and published by Namco Bandai. It was released in Japan on December 2, 2010. A localized version by 8-4, Ltd. was released in North America on March 13, 2012 and August 31, 2012 in Europe.

The European release came in a special edition which included DLC costumes, a Making-Of DVD and a Soundtrack CD.

Ps3 Tales Of Graces F Dlc Download

Changes from the original include:

  • Enhanced high-definition graphics.
  • More voice acting.
  • New story scenes in the main story.
  • A new epilogue entitled Lineage & Legacies, with new dungeons and at least 10 hours of new gameplay.
  • Richard is a playable character.
  • Accel Mode, a new combat feature introduced in Lineage & Legacies.
  • New Mystic Artes special attacks.
  • New costumes.


Battle System

Like previous Tales games, Tales of Graces f uses the Linear Motion Battle System, this game's variant being the Style Shift Linear Motion Battle System. Battle utilizes multiple lines for characters to move around, with the main focus being side-stepping and back-stepping. Each party member is able to use two sets of skills, A-Artes and B-Artes, mapped to the X and O buttons respectively. Switching between the two skill-sets at the right moments is key to stringing up combos. The functions of the A and B-Artes depends on the character controlled, with everyone playing differently.

Like previous Tales games developed by Team Destiny, the game uses the CC action point system instead of TP (which is like a traditional magic meter). Attacks and skills spend CC, which can regenerate over time and can be quickly regenerated by doing smart actions such as dodging attacks and maintaining combos.


A tradition of the Tales franchise, titles can be equipped onto a party member and are obtained by progressing through the main story, doing side-quests and doing certain actions in battle. Though previous games had them only for minor stat boosts, titles are more integral in Graces because they are where skills are learned from. Titles can reach up to five levels of progression, with a new skill or stat boost obtained with each new level. Through this, players can customize what skills they would like party members to learn before other skills by equipping the desired title.


Another tradition of the Tales franchise, skits are optional conversations between the party that are placed throughout the world, in order to build character development, unlock titles, or just for fun. Graces is the first game in the series to utilize full-body portraits for skits, as opposed to just headshots. Skits are usually found near save points and landmarks.


Tales of Graces takes place in a world where everything is powered by invisible elemental particles called eleth, which can be found and stored in crystals called cryas. All eleth comes from massive shards of cryas called valkines cryas, of which there are three in the world, one for each of the three major nations.

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Asbel Lhant

The protagonist of the story. The first-born son of a lord who is expected to rule the town of Lhant after his father. After tragedy strikes during his childhood, he runs away from home to his kingdom's capital to train to be a knight. Seven years later, he is abruptly called back to his hometown after the death of his father. Asbel is a brave young man who wants to help and protect people, but feels he lacks the power to do so throughout his life. His wields a sword in battle, with a samurai-esque flair. He does not have any spells at his disposal, being a pure physical fighter.

Voice actors: Kate Higgins (child), Bryce Papenbrook (teenager)

Hubert Oswell

Asbel's younger brother who, after the tragic events of their childhood, was adopted by a foreign family. Though meek and clinging as a child, his time with the Oswell family hones him into a cold and serious military man. As young men, the brothers have a tumultuous relationship, with Asbel often trying to reconnect with Hubert and failing, though under the surface they both truly care for each other. In battle, Hubert wields a double-bladed weapon which can break off into two pistols. He can also use minor healing magic.

Voice actors: Unknown (child), Steve Staley (teenager)


The deuteragonist. A mysterious girl who the Lhant brothers discover in a meadow outside of town. She has no memories and emotions at first, but gradually learns to live and express herself from spending time with Asbel and his friends. She is tragically killed protecting them all after reaching an epiphany of emotion. Her death heavily affects the young Asbel and sends him down his path of becoming a knight. Seven years later, Asbel and Cheria find a girl who looks exactly like Sophie, not a single day older, in the same meadow where she was originally found, also lacking her memories. In battle, Sophie wields gauntlets and can use healing magic.

Voice actor: Cassandra Lee

Cheria Barnes

Childhood friend to the Lhant brothers, her grandfather Frederic is butler to the Lhant estate. She has been in love with Asbel since they were kids, and was a very sickly child, but recovers from this by the time she is an adult. When first reuniting with Asbel seven years later, she is very cold to him for abandoning his hometown, but she eventually warms up again. As an adult, she is a member of a relief organization dedicated to giving aid all across the world. In battle, she wields knives, and is the game's main healer.

Voice actor: Laura Bailey (child and teenager)


Richard is the prince of Windor, who visits the town of Lhant during his childhood. At first he is antisocial and untrusting of people, but spending time with young Asbel and his friends causes him to open up and have fun. Seven years after Sophie tragically dies protecting the group, he is on the run from Windor's knights, his uncle having murdered his father, the king, to seize the throne. He meets up with Asbel and 'Sophie' again for the first time in years, and the two young men rebond immediately, Asbel agreeing to help Richard take back his father's throne. Though the ordeal is a happy reunion for them all, at the same time, Richard's behavior slowly becomes more and more unstable and erratic...

In battle, Richard wields a rapier and has access to many dark element spells.

Voice actors: Wendee Lee (child), David Vincent (teenager)

Malik Caesar

Asbel's instructor during his seven years at the Knight Academy. In his forties, he is the eldest of the party, and often serves as a mentor to the others. After being discharged from knighthood for fighting on the side of Archduke Cedric against Richard's revolutionaries, he joins Asbel and his friends on their adventures permanently. Malik has some past connection to the country of Fendel that he wishes to conceal. In battle, he wields a bladerang, which is a sword crossed with a boomerang. Despite this, he is more of an offensive spellcaster than anything else.

Voice actor: Jamieson Price



A hyperactive young woman who Asbel, Sophie, and Richard meet napping on the road on their way to raising an army against Archduke Cedric. Pascal has a child-like and carefree personality and goofs off the most out of everyone in the party. Despite this, she is actually a genius, especially when it comes to technology. The party often relies on her to interpret and operate ancient technology that they find on their journey, and to explain certain other aspects which they lack knowledge in. In battle, she wields a shotstaff, which is a magic staff crossed with a shotgun. She uses a variety of elemental offensive spells, which are said to be the most powerful in the game.

Ps3 Tales Of Graces F Dlc Download Free

Voice actor: Kate Higgins

Lineage & Legacies

Tales Of Graces F Ps3 Dlc Download

A new campaign unlocked after the completion of the main game, which takes place 6 months later. It is accessed through the title screen, separate from the main game. To begin it, players must select a save file from the main game that has been marked with a star, indicating that the player has cleared the story.

In terms of gameplay, Accel mode, a new feature in battles, is unlocked through the story, and Richard is now a full-time party member.